Test 19878260
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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when…
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In my first three weeks as a professional trade, I made every mistake in the book. I was so bad that my boss openly took the opposite position for every trade I made. All of my intuitions, gut instincts, and emotional swings took me in the wrong direction… and cost me money. Then came the call when I knew I needed help.
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Here's one of my investing maxims: The "what" is more important than the why. It’s not always possible to see the why right away, but don’t need it if you know the what. And that “what” is Big Money, which has been ahead of the Fed for months.
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Big or small, national or regional, financial stocks have been smacked in the wake of recent bank failures. But there are always diamonds in the rough, and it’s even better when you can buy those diamonds at a discount. And believe it or not, there are some financial stocks out there that actually look pretty attractive. I'll tell you about one.
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Artificial intelligence is taking us into a new era of superhuman speed and performance. That includes investing. Thanks to today’s technology, computers can analyze the thousands of publicly traded stocks almost instantly to help us find those rare “needle in a haystack” stocks that make investors money.
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