
December 2023

3 Stocks Big Money Is Buying Now

TradeSmith Research Team

My system sniffed out 509 unusal buy signals yesterday – which is Big Money at work. That easily topped the previous high of 456 buys back on Feb. 2, and it blew away all of the buying days during the rally from March through July. This is critical information that most investors don’t see. Most folks are familiar with exchanges like the NASDAQ, the New York Stock Exchange, and the American Stock Exchange. But a lot of those signals probably came from private networks that are completely separate from these exchanges.

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Follow the Money – Here’s Where Big Money Is Investing

TradeSmith Research Team

According to Morgan Stanley, institutional investors account for around 90% of the daily trading volume on the Russell 3000 Index, which is the broadest major U.S. stock index. The problem is… a lot of this money flow is undetectable. Imagine being unaware of that much money flowing in or out of stocks, and basing your investment decisions on the visible 10% of trading volume? That puts most investors – especially individuals – at a big disadvantage.

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Tracking Dark Pools – Even as They Try to Stay Secret

TradeSmith Research Team

It may sound impossible to hide a multi-billion-dollar trade, but it isn’t. You see, Wall Street places many of their trades on private networks known as Dark Pools. When they do this, they’re completely out of the public eye… and hidden from view for 99% of folks out there. But, if you can spot them – as I can – you can anticipate stock price movements with stunning accuracy.

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How Dark Pools Expose Wall Street’s Hidden Trades

TradeSmith Research Team

Most of that massive exchange of money is hidden from the American people, but it wasn’t hidden to Wall Street insiders like me who had access to these dark money movements and Dark Pools. It was like I had a skybox watching it all happen, and I began piecing all these different money flows across different asset classes in places like the Dark Pools to see how they affected stock prices. So, when I left Wall Street, I created a system of my own by reverse engineering what I had pieced together during my time at Cantor Fitzgerald.

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The Top Stock in the Top ETFs

TradeSmith Research Team

The 15 stocks currently in our TradeSmith Investment Report portfolio surged 13.6% on average, including four that galloped ahead more than 20%. Coming out of the painful October selling may have dulled our sense of just how phenomenal last month was. And the same data that can help us appreciate November’s magnitude also tells us that more big gains are headed our way.

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Do This Now to Be on the Right Side of the Coming Wealth Transfer 

TradeSmith Research Team

One thing I’ve noticed from past bubbles is that the rich somehow get richer. In the aftermath of each crisis, these one-percenters emerge millions and billions of dollars wealthier. I’ve seen it again and again over the course of my career. In every single crisis, crash... or pop... the wealth gap in America widens. Creating true wealth is a matter of getting on the right side of wealth transfers.

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November 2023

Solving the Profit Puzzle Has Never Been More Important – Here’s How I Did It

TradeSmith Research Team

Analysis would be useless if it doesn’t produce the desired result, and that’s where quantitative analysis, AI, and my experience come in. Why sift through the market of 6,000 stocks yourself? I designed my Quantum Edge system’s algorithms to perform a deep mathematical analysis of roughly 129 fundamental and technical variables for every single one every single trading day.

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My Thanks to You… And a Happy Thanksgiving!

TradeSmith Research Team

Now is a great time to relax, focus on our families, and enjoy a little break before the pace picks up as we head into the holidays and the end of the year. I’ll be back in touch next week, and we’ll have plenty to talk about. Thanks for reading. Thanks for placing your trust in me. I hope you have a safe and happy holiday weekend.

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Here Comes Spending-Palooza – What About the Profits?

TradeSmith Research Team

Sales for November and December are projected to hit somewhere around $960 billion, which is about 3.5% more than last year. It won’t be long before we’re talking $1 trillion in end-of-year spending. That has to be good for companies that sell all this stuff, right? Let’s run the three biggest retailers through the Quantum Edge system and see.

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